The overcast has thinned to a hazy blue in patches. The feeder looks untouched. Dogwoods are fully blooming - about two weeks earlier than 30 years ago.
At lunch, we were treated to drama. First the cardinal found the feeder. Then a house finch joined a white throated sparrow on the perch where they sat poking at each other. It took a while but the finch prevailed and the sparrow decided to hunt for lunch among the dropped seed hulls. Then a second male house finch showed up to contend for the feeder. Meanwhile, robins and juncos hunted on the ground. A little black-and-white streaked bird with cream shoulder patches was up in the oak tee - a black and white warbler?
Late afternoon rain. A grackle hovered in front of the feeder, but it was no use - the instant the bird put foot on the perch down it went. The grackle tried standing on the side, but still weighed to much. Still, though it couldn't feed, it chased off another blackbird. After it gave up, the chickadees and titmice came.