Here are the tiny cups that might be lichens or fungi, There is a
cup lichen but it is greenish. There is a small puffball called the
birds' nest but it isn't this small and it has tiny puffballs inside the cup. When I teased some of these up, a stuck-together clump came up, but I didn't see any
The sun has come out. Chased by bands of cloud out of the West all afternoon. Some looked very threatening and the wind hissed in the oak leaves, but nothing came of all the drama. The day stayed very warm. Lots of cormorants and a few herons were flying into a wind that must have been stronger aloft.
Down on the creek, it barely disturbed the reflections. When it did push up little wave ridges, there were often finer wrinkle lines on their front faces. And the pilings sent counter waves back through them, like sonar. It is very strange watching how these waves move through each other with little interference.
It's warm as a summer night with crickets chirping. I saw a junco early this morning - I wonder what it thinks of this weather?