It is supposed to rain and to be cooler than yesterday, but so far the sky is hazy blue. Crows are calling. Last night a raccoon visited the feeder but did not get it open. I've glimpsed a sparrow and a titmouse. A pelican flew upstream.
The bumblebees are back at the rosemary but it hasn't warmed enough for honeybees, I think. I noticed yesterday that the honeybees stayed low while the carpenter & bumblebees preferred the upper flowers, perhaps because of the wind? Patchy overcast blows in from the West, then away.
At mid-morning the honeybees show up. Suddenly the feeder is popular with chickadees, titmice, and house finches. A junco, a song sparrow, a dove, and a cardinal are hunting lunch on the ground. The camera caught out-of-focus glimpses of a yellow rumped warbler flitting around the yard. The red rump on the house finch is getting conspicuous. Ah, Spring.