Monday, October 14, 2013

Last windy overcast, I hope

The Carolina wren was up early and flitting around the patio.  It landed on the brick wall for a moment.  A cardinal came to the feeder.  Morning glories keep blooming, as does the pea vine.  This weather arrived last Monday and has hung around for a full week. Bumblebees ventured out despite the wind. 

The sky was not as dark this morning and bits of blue began to appear in the North around noon.  By 2pm the sun was shining, but the wind was fierce out of the Northeast.  Down near the ground the wind blows every which way, but the clouds are moving steadily to the Southwest.  A small skink ran across the steps.  Crows, gulls and cormorants wrestled with the wind over the creek.   The regulars visited the feeder.  A mockingbird snacked in the beauty berry.

Two song sparrows visited the birdbath.  One bathed but something startled them before the other began.  They froze, then scooted under cover. I glimpsed a woodpecker flying upstream - red followed by black & white.  I think it was a red bellied but it might have been a pileated.  I heard a kingfisher as saw some distant egrets. 

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