Sunday, December 17, 2017

Lots of birds

Frozen again, birdbath and creek.  I poured boiling water into the birdbath, but left the creek alone.  The camellia blossoms were frostbitten but there were more buds.  I was up early enough that the sky was still pink and there wasn't enough light for bird photos.  Carolina wrens and cardinals were having breakfast.  A song sparrow left after a brief reconnaissance. Then the sun illuminated the feeders. 

A female red bellied woodpecker seemed offended by the camera.  A blue jay lurked in the bushes.  Pine and yellow rumped, and possibly orange crowned, warblers hotly contested possession of the suet, chasing each other across the yard., putting the "war" in warbler.  White throats and juncos foraged in the mulch.  Titmice alternated between seeds and suet. 

Stringy clouds streamed across from West to East until after lunch when they filled the sky quite rapidly, thickened, and grew dark.  A bluebird inspected the yard but the camera refused to focus.  Then a robin did the same.  A male red bellied woodpecker hammered on the sweet gum tree.  The wrens returned.  A mockingbird wanted a drink.  A white breasted nuthatch scurried up and down the pine tree trunk. 

I saw a male bufflehead on the creek after the ice melted.  A downy woodpecker finally showed up.  And then, so did the feral cat.  The light was so poor by then that I gave up.  But I had trouble with the focus all day.  The camera kept reacting to the background instead of the bird in the foreground. 

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