Friday, January 27, 2023

Chilly blue sky

Bluebirds were eating the dust from the barkbutter balls so I hustled some fresh food out.  I filled the blue dish with mealworms to see how the birds would react.  They weren't as popular as the barkbutter balls, but the orioles ate them in between snacking on jelly.  There were two orange females, one in the midst of molting, and a yellow female and a male today.  A blue jay inspected the jelly but decided against it. 

Warblers preferred the suet anyway.  They argued with each other and the downy.  They did also try to get both mealworms and barkbutter balls. One myrtle warbler continued to imitate a hummingbird hovering under the suet.  The pine warblers were almost the same color as the yellow female oriole.  I glimpsed a red bellied woodpecker in a distant pine but it came no closer. 

At least two brown headed nuthatches dodged the house finches to get sunflower seeds.  A white breasted nuthatch began each foray with suet, then got a sunflower seed "to go."  A mockingbird ate barkbutter balls exclusively.  After lunch, a song sparrow came to forage for fallen seeds.  Juncos soon followed.  Pelicans flew by and buffleheads paddled past.  

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