It's a soft-looking morning. The cloud cover is thin enough to pick up muted sunlight, vaporous cumulus, not high ice clouds. Just under 40F.
The squirrels are all over, perching on the feeder, sitting in the flowerpot, keeping an eye on us breakfasting. Our gray squirrels have a lot of rust along their sides. The backs of their ears are white, as are the side edges of their tails, a ring around their eyes, and their whole undersides .
Also visiting the feeder is a white-throated sparrow, chickadees and titmice. That's the first definite white-throat this year. Usually they are common in winter. A blue jay passed through.
On the creek, three herons kept shifting place. A pelican was followed upstream by a kingfisher. Seems to be good fishing today as the pelicans are splashing down regularly. They do not land gently.