Since 1/1/11 I have been describing what I see in the back yard. I occasionally digress.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Continued hot
The tree removal crew tore up the moss around the oak, but I suppose it will now be sunny enough for grass.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Hot sun
Finches and squirrels. The pool is nearly empty. Ever since the storm, the water level has been dropping. We hoped we could find the leak once the tree was out, but no luck so far. We cleaned it out as best we could but there is still a lot of debris in the bottom.

This evening, geese came visiting again. Wonder what they thought of the hole that used to be a pool? I went out to speak with them and they hustled off. There were at least four adolescents, nearly adult size but still in gosling fluff. I also saw a little one so I think they were from more than one nest. I saw two adults but I think there were more. One adult gave a hurry-up nip to the tail of an adolescent.

This evening, geese came visiting again. Wonder what they thought of the hole that used to be a pool? I went out to speak with them and they hustled off. There were at least four adolescents, nearly adult size but still in gosling fluff. I also saw a little one so I think they were from more than one nest. I saw two adults but I think there were more. One adult gave a hurry-up nip to the tail of an adolescent.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Feeder robbed again
Despite the clever piece of added wire, the feeder lid was up this morning. And do you see that guilty little face! House finches were primly feeding from the perch like good guests, but this squirrel just had to crawl inside.
The question is, was the squirrel a genius or just an opportunist?
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Titmice at feeder
Usually I only
see one titmouse at a time, but there were several this morning.
It has gotten quite cloudy. Now rain is sprinkling but the sun is shining. After a light rain, it has cleared again.
The male cardinal seems enthralled with the clearing where the oak was.

It has gotten quite cloudy. Now rain is sprinkling but the sun is shining. After a light rain, it has cleared again.
The male cardinal seems enthralled with the clearing where the oak was.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Still waiting

The birds seem to like the sun on the feeder. A couple of jays did their best but they outweigh the counterweight. Cardinals, chickadees, titmice and finches came to breakfast.
At lunch, insurance came to assess and now the tree removal workers are here. And now the trees are gone.
A large dragonfly with black eyes, clear wings and a steel-blue abdomen has been using the perches I put out. I noticed the sorts of places they perched and put bamboo plant stakes out for them. It worked - free mosquito control!
Late afternoon, I saw the eagle again. Maybe it has been around but the trees blocked my view before?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
So much sun

And the heat and humidity remind me of a hurricane aftermath. Still a lot of birds, finches and cardinals fighting for space at the feeder. A crow was bouncing on the paulownia branches - being upside down, they are springy. Two squirrels thinking of sex ignored the mess.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
All is changed
So much shade is gone with the oak. Birds are flocking the feeder. There must be smashed nests under the trees.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Cardinals and chickadees

A terrifying afternoon storm boiled out of the West about 4:30pm, wind, hail and rain. The photo is hail on the ground. We lost two trees in

Monday, May 23, 2011
Swamp smoke overnight

Now the clouds have thickened and look quite thunderous. Hard rain at noon. And sun by one. Apparently the rain gave the birds an appetite - cardinal and chickadee showed up before they were even dry. The afternoon alternated sun and dark clouds. After dark, another storm.
I rescued a tiny wasp from the pool - very striking red body with dark wings and a loooooong ovipositor. If it had been a stinger, it would have been scary.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Light haze, light breeze
Cardinals and squirrels and one crow.
And again with the geese! It's just two adults and two goslings, not the crowd from last week.
About noon the caucus races begin: three squirrels racing around the pool, up the trees and down again. I could actually hear the lead squirrel squeal.
And again with the geese! It's just two adults and two goslings, not the crowd from last week.
About noon the caucus races begin: three squirrels racing around the pool, up the trees and down again. I could actually hear the lead squirrel squeal.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Early rabbit
The poor bunny looked a bit over-worked. Chickadees contended with a squirrel for the feeder. Once again, the geese had to be turned away.
Nice all day. Chickadees and cardinals and a titmouse at the feeder. First swim of the year - the water is 72 degrees.
Nice all day. Chickadees and cardinals and a titmouse at the feeder. First swim of the year - the water is 72 degrees.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Bird in the garage
I was out early for breakfast bagels and left the garage open. On my trip, I admired the waning moon and a smaller bird that was harassing a crow. But, on to the excitement:
In the garage
was a "LBJ" which I believe was a juvenile Carolina wren. I googled images of that and brown creeper because the bird didn't seem to have much tail and a wren's tail is so distinctive. It clung to the undersides of lights and the garage door, hid behind boxes, and finally played freeze in a toolbox. Then, at last, it noticed that the door was wide open. Birds (and bugs) are so hard-wired to escape upward that it is difficult for them to find any other way out.
Several butterflies are around, the white cabbage, the tiger swallowtail, a skipper, and a larger brown and orange one that went by too fast. I also saw lots of wasps and a little Halictid bee - gorgeous metallic blue-green.
In the garage

Several butterflies are around, the white cabbage, the tiger swallowtail, a skipper, and a larger brown and orange one that went by too fast. I also saw lots of wasps and a little Halictid bee - gorgeous metallic blue-green.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Sunny so far
Two male house finches disputed over the feeder, then both flew off.

When I got up the sky was blue with little cloud puffs looking as though they'd been painted. Now it is a uniform gray.
The Canada geese came to feed in the grass down near the creek. I counted 6 adults and 9 goslings though I could not get them all in the frame at one time. After a bit, they headed up toward the pool and had to be evicted.
Bands of cloud move through to the northeast. A white cabbage butterfly is flitting around.

When I got up the sky was blue with little cloud puffs looking as though they'd been painted. Now it is a uniform gray.
The Canada geese came to feed in the grass down near the creek. I counted 6 adults and 9 goslings though I could not get them all in the frame at one time. After a bit, they headed up toward the pool and had to be evicted.
Bands of cloud move through to the northeast. A white cabbage butterfly is flitting around.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Very still
The male cardinal is flitting around perching on all the furniture. Now a very light rain is falling. I guess this is going to be another day of sun between rain bands. And humidity.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Bird song

From the bicycle horn honks of the geese to the blackbird performing in the treetop, they proclaimed their identity and intentions. Meanwhile the overcast blew away to the north than another wave came in from the southwest. This continued all day.
The blue eyed grass (a tiny native iris) is just about finished blooming already.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Morning fog

All was quiet. Now it has burned off and there are high cloud wisps.
And now they're congealing into heavy clouds, with a rainbow overhead! Is that some kind of illusion?
Sunday, May 15, 2011

It started out wet but by noon there is come-and-go sun. Dragonflies are about.
Mid-afternoon downpour.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Odd duck

A female mallard was perched on top of a piling, which is not something they usually do. A male was below on the dock.
Everything was wet in the morning though the bird bath was not full. The male cardinal put in an appearance.
Friday, May 13, 2011
The missing day
Blogger went through some sort of upheaval but now I see the Thursday post is back.
Later in the day, every time I set the camera down it seemed, another new bird appeared. I did catch a glimpse and a photo of a flycatcher in the oak. A bluebird perched on the feeder post and cocked an eye at me, but I couldn't get the camera up in time. A hummingbird flitted all around the edge of the yard, too fast to get the camera aimed. My thanks to the flycatcher!

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Gosling season

I came home to goslings in the pool. One runt was peeping, "I can't get out," but when confronted with the big scary human, managed to make it.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Soft gray morning

Now it's gone sunny.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Cumulus accumulating
Cotton puffs and larger, darker clouds but sunny. The laughing gulls are back. They may have been around for a while but today was the first time I saw them.
Two brown thrashers were disputing territory at WHRO and numerous mockingbirds are everywhere but the back yard. I wonder why?
Two brown thrashers were disputing territory at WHRO and numerous mockingbirds are everywhere but the back yard. I wonder why?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Soft rain

My poison ivy blisters are just as irritating as they were half a century ago. They took three days to show up and will probably last even longer.
In the afternoon, the sky cleared and now I really miss the tree the neighbor had cut down.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Cloud puffs make sun come and go
A robin enjoyed the birdbath. I tried to photograph the bird preening afterward, but the lag on the digital camera defeated me.
A tiger swallowtail flitted past. The clouds are getting thicker.
A tiger swallowtail flitted past. The clouds are getting thicker.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Maybe rain?
The sun came in sideways at first but now it has gone dark and windy. The paulownia tree never really bloomed much - just a few lower branches. I conclude that the winter froze all the buds I can see higher on the tree. Bulb blossoms were also sparse this year, likewise the back yard azaleas. The front yard azaleas were fine, maybe because the house protected them on the North.

And the rains came with very gusty winds and heavy downpour. Chickadees and titmice visit the feeder between rain bands.
It's beginning to clear, and in an azalea under the front yard oak, Kathleen found a blinded sphinx moth, Paonias excaecatus. Very lethargic, maybe from the cold rain? It could be freshly emerged, but one spot on the right upper wing is rubbed.

And the rains came with very gusty winds and heavy downpour. Chickadees and titmice visit the feeder between rain bands.
It's beginning to clear, and in an azalea under the front yard oak, Kathleen found a blinded sphinx moth, Paonias excaecatus. Very lethargic, maybe from the cold rain? It could be freshly emerged, but one spot on the right upper wing is rubbed.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Robin fights

They rise up fluttering and fussing at each other. I hope one of my photos captured it. Not quite.
Also, a crow has been visiting. No clouds but contrails.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Back to the bird bath
The pool cover is coming off today so the birds that have been drinking from the puddle in th middle - jays this morning - will have to get used to the bird bath.
Mid afternoon, as I was doing yard work, a hummingbird came by. Of course the camera was not handy. The hummingbird was moving fast but in my glimpse it looked like there was yellow on it. Pollen?
Mid afternoon, as I was doing yard work, a hummingbird came by. Of course the camera was not handy. The hummingbird was moving fast but in my glimpse it looked like there was yellow on it. Pollen?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Balmy and still

I saw a red admiral pursued by a much smaller orange insect. I don't know if it was trying to drive off the butterfly or attack it, but its moves were exactly like a basketball guard. Both the black and the tiger swallowtails are busy depositing eggs.

Also being harassed was an osprey which reacted by flying higher and higher. An early jay sat on the post. Later the molting male house finch perched there before going off to drink from the pool cover. The male cardinal had the same idea. Only the chickadee was bold enough to hit the feeder with me sitting there.
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