I was out early for breakfast bagels and left the garage open. On my trip, I admired the waning moon and a smaller bird that was harassing a crow. But, on to the excitement:
In the garage

was a "
LBJ" which I believe was a juvenile Carolina wren. I googled images of that and brown creeper because the bird didn't seem to have much tail and a wren's tail is so distinctive. It clung to the undersides of lights and the garage door, hid behind boxes, and finally played freeze in a toolbox. Then, at last, it noticed that the door was wide open. Birds (and bugs) are so hard-wired to escape upward that it is difficult for them to find any other way out.
Several butterflies are around, the white cabbage, the tiger swallowtail, a skipper, and a larger brown and orange one that went by too fast. I also saw lots of wasps and a
little Halictid bee - gorgeous metallic blue-green.
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