The temperature is lovely with the breeze but it seems to be discouraging flying insects. Wasps are out but few dragonflies or butterflies. A black swallowtail is all. I haven't seen a tiger swallowtail for weeks - I wonder if the loss of the trees is why.
In the pool there was a frog with a green face and brown on brown freckles. Green Frog (Rana clamitans) is my guess. A small butterfly in the Lycaenidae Family (blues, coppers, hairstreaks) spent time on the rosemary leaves. Could it have been laying eggs? This tiem a book was more help - it's a Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus) and it's not picky about food plants.

All day finches and cardinals came to the feeder, but with evening, chickadees showed up. The male goldfinch made a brief appearance off in the remaining oak tree and two doves pecked up fallen seeds on the steps. One dove kept making little dashes at the other.
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