I just discovered that ants are using the hummingbird feeder as a source of honeydew instead of aphids. There is a parade of tiny ants with swollen abdomens up the feeder and down the post to their nest somewhere in the mulch. The one right inline with the hanger but at the bottom of the photo is an example. But no hummingbirds, and since Irene blew through no wasps.
Instead, we're having mockingbird warz. They are disputing who gets to feed on the dogwood berries. The clouds are ferocious looking this afternoon with scattered downpours. In between it is hot and humid and still. A buzzard soared in circles below the clouds.

On the porch there are more spiders than the argiope. One with a white face was wedged between the gutter downspout and the wall trying to drag a small green moth into the crevice. Another above the door opposite the argiope has a black widow look but I can't see its underside to be sure.
Really big bumblebees are working on the rosemary today. For a week I've only seen small ones. A gray hairstreak was also feeding on the rosemary blossoms.
By late afternoon every quarter of the horizon was dark with storm clouds. And then it rained. Tonight, the argiope was busy remaking her web. A much smaller spider was working right behind her - her mate? She looks much more intimidating moving around than hanging placidly behind the zigzag.
According to Virginia Beach Naturally, the white faced spider may be a Canopy Jumper, Phidippus otiosus. There are several small green moth candidates, maybe Green Leuconycta?