A half dozen are playing all over the yard, flirting, chasing, monkeying with the feeder, and nibbling on the sweet gum seeds. The seeds are very small and blow everywhere as the gumballs ripen. No birds have visited the feeder. Possibly they are wary of the squirrels. This squirrel decided to sneak up on the seeds from underneath, but was foiled by the counter-weighted baffle.
It is gray in the East so no sunshine though I can see blue sky to the North. It's supposed to rain and it is certainly damp. It's still warm though it's supposed to cool off after today. Geese and cormorants have flown

by and some cormorants were fishing. Later four mergansers, two each, paddled by. The sun came out briefly but now the sky has curdled again. Cumulus clouds are streaming Northeast under a stationary layer of cirrus and contrails. But on the ground, the gusts feel like they're coming from the Southeast. Honeybees are still busy. I wonder where the hive is?
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