This week has been cool, partly because of rain, but it is warming now. The sky is crystal blue and the sun feels intense. There is only light air movement and the creek is a mirror. A blue jay and a grackle visited the feeder, both perching on the side to keep from tripping the counterweight. The grackle was still too heavy. I don't know why the jay didn't stay. The hummer visited the gladiolas but it clearly prefers the feeder. The wren is singing away on a branch near the birdhouse.
Curiously few dragonflies are around and just cabbage butterflies. Down on the dock, I saw several egrets, a cormorant, and a little green heron. An eating size crab nibbled on a piling. Thunderheads are building in the West but the rest of the sky is blue. And, I thought I heard a cicada. Is that possible in early June?
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