Black swallowtail caterpillars at all stages are munching on the rue and the parsley. A variegated fritillary with a tattered wing flitted around the lower steps. A cicada case clings to an iris leaf. Gorgeous male Eastern pondhawks are hanging around the far end of the pool. Green June beetles are buzzing around the pool and falling in.
A skink wagged its blue tail and scurried under the rosemary. A hummer was flustered by a dragonfly that also wanted to perch on a dead dogwood twig. Meanwhile, the wrens stay busy with the birdhouse. A yellow crowned night heron landed on the dock.
In the late afternoon, an Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma) passed through. Dragonflies were all over. First a female, then a male widow skimmer rested on my dragonfly perch. A male Eastern pondhawk tried to take it over and succeeded briefly despite being smaller than the skimmer. The male skimmer put on what I think is a courting display, fluttering its wings to show off the white spots. Overhead I could see dragonflies with clear wings, with saddlebags, and with spots. All were in silhouette without colors. They seemed to stay about 30 feet up and to rest in the trees.
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