A little sun is leaking through and a sulphur fluttered by. I hear jays above the insect chorus. Crows and gulls as always are around. Lots of bees and wasps, but I don't believe I've seen a yellow jacket all summer. It is getting darker as the day wears on toward noon. A little green heron was on the dock.

I removed the birdhouse from the bush and tucked it into the bench to air - it's a bit funky. Inside it is packed with sticks and some feathers making a deep basket in a rear corner. It is beyond reuse. A Carolina wren bid it goodbye.
A palamedes swallowtail keeps passing through when I don't have the camera handy. A fritillary of some sort paused briefly on the rosemary. More sulphurs and a cabbage passed by. Mary Reid Barrow's column today was on butterflies.
The sky separated into blue and creampuff in the afternoon. And then one of the puffs rained on me while the sun shone. I rescued a variegated fritillary caterpillar from the pool. It was on the bottom and I was just cleaning, but then it twitched and came back to life. The black hairs give the appearance of antenna but I don't think caterpillars have antenna.
Squirrels are feasting on dogwood berries.
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