The tide is up over the bulkhead opposite. A flotilla of geese sailed upstream with a tailwind. It is wet, but the wind is more impressive than the rain. Since the trees are mostly still green, there are a lot of soggy leaves to catch the wind and pull down limbs. Morning glories are struggling to open. The sunflower stalks are riding it out so far.
Chickadees showed up and complained about their missing breakfast. I've scattered seeds on the patio but I don't know if they will land on the ground. So maybe today I will find out.
So far, no birds have sampled the seeds. The rain varies but sometimes blows in veils above the creek which is way over its banks. The dock disappeared about mid morning. An egret slowly beat its way downstream into the wind.
Wind is over 30mph with gusts over 40. Rain is fairly heavy. I haven't seen any birds or animals for hours. I think the center of the storm should be directly East tomorrow morning, probably at high tide.

It is getting dark. Two sparrows were hopping around in the mulch looking for stray seeds. I can't be sure in bad light through the wet glass, but I think they were white throats. The cormorants made their usual evening commute in the face of the wind.