The morning glories are a mass of blooms. The third quarter moon is high in the West, menaced by a spider in the window. A squirrel dismantled a pecan in front of me as I ate breakfast. Some finches came to the feeder.

I went off to a meeting at the YWCA on the Lafayette river and saw this bird hopping around in a groundsel bush. Also a ladybug and a loaded honeybee. Goldenrod is blooming now.
I've now been all over the web and through Peterson and I am not finding the bird. Grrrr. It's the white patch under the eye that I cannot match.
This is the bird that seems the best match, but it would be a long way from home! A black-whiskered vireo has the thin black line down from the beak, the black line through the eye with white over and under it, and the hint of yellow around the base of the tail.
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