A cold front is predicted, with temperature dropping throughout the day. The sky went dark as a cloud roared out of the North around 7:20. Wind picked up leaves and blew them everywhere as fast as birds. A squirrel galloped down the steps in a furry streak. And all the birds suddenly needed a snack! A female finch ruled the feeder, driving off chickadees and titmice. The darkness made it hard to be sure what birds were in the mulch, sparrows and juncos for certain. The cloud front passed and left rain behind. This cardinal has a peculiar tail, I think it is still growing feathers.
Mid afternoon, the rain let up and the feeder birds came back. On the way back from the library, I came past Witchduck Lake where I saw a flock of a dozen wood ducks. Behind them are hundreds of cormorants. More keep flying in all directions.
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