It turns out K had already filled the feeder. I didn't realize since there wasn't much activity. At 10am the sun is back but I don't trust it. I was checking the Cornell site and it confirms the towhee is a ground nester. I suspect the foxes disturbed the nest and that's why I haven't seen the towhees for several weeks.

I scattered some seeds when I thought the feeder was empty and the rain might last all day. One squirrel has become very possessive of this treasure trove and would not let another partake. Notice they've flattened their ears just like dogs.
A female house finch has settled in on the feeder. Butterflies, bees, and dragonflies are taking advantage of the sun. Menacing clouds keep sweeping North, alternating with sun. A squirrel did his best to dismantle the feeder. A mushroom popped up in the grass, though summer isn't really the season. It's brown, probably a russula.
Afternoon, the sky cleared. A hummer visited, as did a black swallowtail and lots of dragonflies. The pool was full of green June beetles, along with some Japanese beetles, and one green tiger beetle. I've been seeing smaller gray tiger beetles since May but this was the first green one. Across the creek a yellow-crowned night heron prowled the bulkhead as evening came on.
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