Another beautiful, quiet dawn. There are some thin cloud squiggles but the sun is strong. A we breakfasted, it illuminated the tops of the pines, then their trunks, and finally all the way to the creek bulkhead. All this was reflected in the unruffled creek. It undulates but the surface is unbroken. The effect of the bright reflections on the dark surface is very rich. Meanwhile, few birds appeared. Some sparrows, finches, and a titmouse came to the feeder. Nothing troubled the creek.

I heard, then saw, a squirrel trying to break into the feeder. A Carolina wren hopped around on the brickwork. All the regulars are out now. The sun has reached the creek water, making the reflections less vivid.
At lunch, two buzzards circled. Pelicans flew all over the creek and the dam. A great blue heron headed downstream. The afternoon clouded up and I think I saw a laughing gull. Some mallards appeared and I saw a grebe on the creek, but there wasn't enough light to say which kind. Chickadees were busy on the feeder. A bird slammed into the bedroom window and left feathers that are gray and orange, maybe a cardinal?
The sun set in a smear of orange altocumulus.
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