Just the regulars and the sparrows have shown up so far. A warbler flitted in the distance and a crow proclaimed in the pine tree. An osprey plunged but I couldn't see if it caught anything. Broken overcast gave way to sun. One dogwood is blooming but the others are behind. The squirrels were having a chase when they ran into me.

In the shopping strip parking lot two crows discussed half a green apple in front of my car. A mockingbird flew purposefully in front of me at the library, where all the trees are in bloom. And I saw a yellow sulphur.
At lunch time a gray fox visited the front yard. K took this photo. The fox paid us no attention till I tapped on the window, and then it just gave me a dirty look.
Around 6pm the creek was bright and still. Then it got windy. Cormorants flew every which way while the occasional osprey tried to fish. Towhees hung arounf the yard, never venturing over to the feeder where the sparrows and the regulars were feeding. Other birds that I couldn't identify flitted around the trees. Ah, a photo reveals one was a Carolina wren and another a butterbutt.
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