The morning glory vines have cloaked the lower half of the post that the feeders hang from, disconcerting the squirrels that used to climb it in futile forays at the seed feeder. So today, an enterprising squirrel climbed the sunflower stake and leapt from that to the feeder. It dangled upside down, then hauled itself aboard and pursued the fruitless effort to get into the feeder. When it gave up, it jumped into the vines which did not bear its weight and tumbled through them. Meanwhile the chickadees watched this performance and were unimpressed. My camera was not at hand. A male goldfinch has also visited this morning.

A lovely spangled skimmer took up post on the lavender despite the strong breeze. A robin hunted in the grass and I think a fledgling robin ate cherries. A blue jay and a mockingbird certainly did. An osprey landed up in the pine but didn't stay long. The temperature is perfect with no humidity and a blue sky.

As I was sitting outside after lunch, harvesting my money plant pods, a fox cub came to visit! Later I saw a blue dasher and a slaty skimmer. The skimmer buzzed me as I swam.
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