Hummers were still at it. I also saw doves and titmice at breakfast. A snowy egret hung around the dam. And when I dashed back to my office to get my car key, I saw a male kingfisher sitting on the dock. Of course I did not have the camera.

The sun was hot but clouds flowing out of the West kept blotting it out and then a chilly wind would blow. The Argiope seemed to be content with her spot in the cherry. A bird grasshopper blended in on the hibiscus.

Today's rescue score was two live skinks and four frogs, only two of which hopped away. Also a wolf spider seemed reluctant to leave and a moth almost got snatched by a dragonfly after I fished it out.

A blue jay raided the mealworms. At least three hummers held a war dance around the feeder.
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