The goldfinch was on the feeder hanger when I came out to the kitchen, but it left and never came back. The female red bellied woodpecker decided to keep eating suet. A Carolina wren hunted bits that had fallen. A yellow rumped warbler was thirsty. Blue jays went for more bark butter balls.
White throats pecked at all sorts of bits. Downy woodpeckers followed the red bellied on the suet. And then the male red bellied took a turn.

A song sparrow joined the white throats. A male brown headed cowbird dropped in on the feeder. A couple of pairs of hooded mergansers paddled upstream. A titmouse got thirsty. At least seven doves showed up just as the light was going.
Morning was fairly quiet but I thought I saw a few tiny pellets of snow. The wind kicked up by mid day and the clouds looked like snow. In the middle of the afternoon there was a short window of sunshine. And around 4pm the clouds on the Western horizon turned yellow.
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