K put the plants and feeders back out and set the outdoor furniture back. Squirrels not only looted the pecans, they carried them right past us. I worked on clearing debris out of the pool and rescued several crickets and one leaf-footed bug. I also caught two frogs and sent them away. The Argiope caught another butterfly. It was still trying to get loose from the web when I first saw it. I got to see the spider make silk.

Red spotted purples seemed to be everywhere. Skinks reappeared. A silver spotted skipper investigated a rose. The tide was still very high, especially for the moon's first quarter, and the wind still gusty. Blue jays made a lot of noise but I only saw one.

A mockingbird tested the beauty berries. I sat outside at twilight and saw a firefly. Something fast but fluttery zigzagged through the air about 20 feet up. I think and hope it was a bat. Cicadas and crickets harmonized. It was too cloudy for moon or stars.
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