The humidity was thick enough to spread with a butter knife. I squeegeed the fogged windows twice before I gave up. And the patio furniture was wet so I didn't want to sit outside. When I went to the library, I saw a dragonfly and a mockingbird. During lunch, I caught glimpses of a couple of insects flying away but have no idea what they were. Afterward, I went out front to repot the rest of the hanging plants. The sun came and went but the humidity stayed and sweat dripped off me. I hope salt water won't hurt the plants. There was a big crow commotion. I think the Cooper's hawk was behind it but I missed my chance with the camera.

Today's caterpillar count: one live black swallowtail and three drowned hairy white caterpillar. But whether they were white before spending time in the pool bumping around with the chlorine tablets is anyone's guess. A red spotted purple flitted past and disappeared. I've never seen its caterpillar stage

A squirrel lost something in the dock sink, probably a pine cone. I was afraid I was going to have to rescue the rodent but it gave up without falling in.

Mosquitoes did not believe the weather prediction of no rain till Thursday. The Argiope was still hanging around. The milkweed bugs showed up in unlikely places but most crowded around the seed pods. It turns out that among the seeds I scattered in May was tropical milkweed
Asclepias curassavica. Neither the milkweed bugs nor the monarch butterflies have shown any interest in it but something did pollinate it because it made a seed pod.
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