Egrets competed for prime fishing spots. Blue jays were less cautious
than usual. The male cardinal was missing feathers from his forehead. I
spotted one white throated sparrow. I hoped the South wind would blow us some
migrating birds, but I didn't see any. It certainly brought plenty of heat.

I saw flower buds on the rue. The Solomon's seal shot out of the ground about eight inches - there was nothing there on Tuesday. The azaleas rushed to open but the wind stripped off the cherry blossoms. I wonder if they were fertilized first. Dogwood flowers held on tighter and the one with peculiar buds still had a few not fully open. One hickory leafed out but the other was just beginning to open its buds. Sycamore balls and pollen-shedding oak tassels were blown sideways.

A skink scuttled out from under the pool cover and into the shrubbery. I saw a black swallowtail flitting around the rue and I think a tiger swallowtail further off. But the wind might have fooled me with a leaf. Yellow kneed wasps struggled to fly, and were disappointed by the new bench seat of treated wood. Queen yellow jackets scouted possible residences. I found a bird skull in the mulch under the dogwood. My best guess is a crow. Even between the clouds flying North, the moon was hard to see through the haze.
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