A song sparrow was up before there was enough light for the camera. So was a downy woodpecker. The blasted cat started to stalk something in the azalea but gave up. The red bellied woodpecker had a suet brunch.

Around noon, a ruby crowned kinglet dashed to the bark butter tub and hammered at it furiously. Then it darted over to the suet. That brought out the orange crowned warbler, but at no time did either bird show its crown. The downy woodpecker eventually came back.

There seemed to be a lot going on under the water as the tide dropped. I saw a few buffleheads on the surface. Pelicans flew up and down the creek frequently but I didn't see any plunge into our stretch. A great blue heron rested on a dock piling. Two mallard pairs dabbled under the bulkhead.

Then I realized a male kingfisher had landed on the dock bench. Actually, it was his fish that caught my eye. The kingfisher seemed constipated, if that's possible. He lifted his tail many times before he got results. I never saw him eat the fish but both birds were gone the next time I looked. And soon after that the light was gone.
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