Wind from tropical storm Arthur pushed the tide into the grass and blew the watering can around. The rain stopped in the morning and things began to dry out, but the next band came through in the afternoon. I tried to have bird food out but not to waste it. A blue jay made off with a good part of it. Carolina wrens got some.

A goose brought two goslings to the pool for a drink. One little rascal attempted a bath but K put a stop to that. The limping goose that's one of the parents of the two goslings did not appear and K feared the worst.

A yellow crowned night heron prowled along the water's edge looking for crabs.

One of the many seeds I planted came up and turned out to be a pink evening primrose,
Oenothera speciosa. The local native has smaller yellow flowers but this one was certainly "speciosa." However the plant was quite spindly and bent over.
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