I found aphids on the milkweed so out came the neem oil. The thunderstorm later probably means I need to repeat tomorrow. A crab spider hung on the side of the railing with no visible support. One blue dasher obelisked while waiting for prey while another clung to the edge of the pool in the shade.

Yesterday's glass snail had moved a couple of inches. I rescued foolish beetles and tiny halictid bees. The skimmer had two wolf spiders and a skink that was old enough to know better. I saw another, smaller skink at lunchtime.

While working on the computer I noticed something strange down at the water's edge. A yellow crowned night heron was putting on a
display that would have done a turkey proud. I don't know if it saw a rival, a predator, or a potential mate but Cornell says it's a mating display. After a minute of so, it turned and stalked off looking very fierce.
I counted four turtles enjoying the sun and didn't notice the great blue heron next to them. Around 4:30pm, the light level dropped and so did the temperature. Hard gusts of wind drove the rain. A night heron hunted along the water's edge. If it was the same one, all its feathers were back in place. Lightning, thunder and heavy rain finished the day though I did see some sunset color in the West.
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