Titmice were up before breakfast. Hummers were satisfied with the fresh batch of sugar water. The black swallowtail caterpillars were growing fast. First a small orange butterfly darted around clumps of grass, then I saw a red spotted purple in a cherry tree. It was missing the red part of one wing. A female pondhawk posed on a branch.

A Needham's skimmer guarded the lantana in the front yard. A blue jay was coy about wanting bark butter. Maybe because it had lost some head and neck feathers and looked quite strange. The mountain mint remained popular. I found a dead cicada.

A strange cloud formation in the East preceded the spread of a thin overcast. It was a repeating feathery pattern that reminded me of the shape produced by wiping an old fashioned fountain pen. Just before dark I saw a firefly or
two. A loud storm rolled in around 11pm.
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