Monday, January 9, 2012


So far the rain is very light, splashing in the birdbath but leaving a dry spot under the mesh patio chairs. Squirrels greeted dawn as did a bufflehead. It is keeping station out on the creek off the end of the dock. Juncos are hunting seeds on the ground and one took to the feeder.

Lunchtime and the lone bufflehead is still out there. A pelican just flew by. Dreary day.

Last evening I watched First Flight, a video of a hummingbird and its nest. The photography was great, though they had a unique opportunity with the nest on a clothesline on a porch - so they could get images from every angle. I could have put the sound on mute though, as they overdid the music and the narrator had an accent. The hummingbird was a western species but not all that different from a ruby throat. One thing I will remember is that if I see a hummer with spiderweb, there is a nest somewhere near.

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