Friday, January 1, 2016

A new year

2016 got off to a lively start.  We got up late to a cloudy sky and cooler air.  Carolina wrens scurried after the mealworms I had scattered.  K refilled the seed feeder.  I looked up from the newspaper to see an explosion of birds: sparrows, titmice, cardinals, finches, chickadees, and warblers, both pine and yellow rumped.

Three species of woodpecker showed up.  In addition to the downy woodpeckers on the suet, a pileated swooped past and landed in the oak.  Then a red bellied landed in the dogwood.  Pelicans flew over the creek and soon cormorants came driving a school of fish upstream.  A little later they all flew off down the creek.  The feral cat sneaked up on the feeder, only to be startled when a dove took off.

The birds came back in waves, particularly during lunch when my fingers were greasy.  I wondered if their come-and-go pattern was a reaction to a predator?  I saw a red tailed hawk watching for a while from the top of a pine across the creek.  Afterward, there was a lot of fussing about precedence - the downy woodpeckers went at it, the cardinals just glared, and even the chickadees got testy. 

Juncos finally showed up mid afternoon.  Hooded mergansers and buffleheads fished but generally behind a screen of brush.  A crow dived on a squirrel that scrambled up the post.  Then another did yoga on the sculpture. 

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