Thursday, March 18, 2021

Warmer and damper

I thought I saw a duck, but it was trash, maybe a shampoo bottle.  It's not just that people litter, but that the waste management process leaks trash.  The weather shifted from mist to rain around 8:30am, but it didn't last long. 

Juncos hustled around on the ground at lunch.  Once again I saw the brown headed nuthatch but it was too fast and I failed to get proof.  The afternoon dried out somewhat and I managed to get a fresh block of suet hung.  I put the scrapings from the package in the barkbutter cup and my hair was nearly parted by the instant arrival of the brown thrasher and blue jays.  They finished the scraps in no time.  Butterbutts went for the main block of suet. 

Several pelicans fished, along with egrets.  Turtles enjoyed the warmth.  Gulls played with the wind.  I saw a small, fast bird that might have been a kingfisher. 

The afternoon got very warm and I put out some barkbutter balls.  The blue jays had a contest to see who could eat the most while the camera was focusing.  The genteel red bellied woodpeckers only took one ball at a time.  Bluebirds got a few before they ran out.  Even a titmouse got one.  White throated sparrows made off with crumbs.  Crows did their best but only cleaned up what fell.  There were occasional glimmers of sun, but more rain was scheduled, in fact a tornado watch was posted. 

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