Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Friends further North had a Northeaster, or what the hysterical meteorologists called a cyclone bomb.  Here it was just too windy for birds to fly.  Although, it didn't seem to trouble the yellow jackets and other wasps.  The wind helped disperse the chaff and fluff as I harvested morning glory and butterfly milkweed seeds.  I found an empty monarch chrysalis just below a milkweed seedpod.  Lazy caterpillar! 

The sky was very blue and the sun warm, but shade was chilly.  In the absence of birds, I took pictures of colorful leaves.  A lot of the dogwood berries turned black.  I wonder if they're still edible?  Nothing seemed to have eaten beautyberries.  

The wind pushed the tide high.  Geese and mallards congregated on the creek.  At one point while the mallards were dozing on the dock, there was a commotion that I think was caused by an amorous drake.  Turtles were better behaved on their logs in the lake

A tiny spider worked on its pint-sized orb web between parsley stalks.  I wouldn't have seen it except it was circling around, laying down the innermost ring of silk.  

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