Including eagles! Two swooped through just after 8am. Then one dive-bombed some egrets downstream, hoping, I think, that they might drop a fish. Also circling the creek were a great many gulls. They all seem to think that something should be there to fish for, but I don't see them catch anything. And I can't find any indication of a fish species that would be spawning or schooling in the estuaries today. Of course, the purveyors of "solunar tables" weren't even agreed on whether today was good or merely fair for fishing. Flocks of mallards and geese headed upstream, but they wouldn't have cared about the fish.

In the pines across the creek crows were hassling a hawk of some sort - I couldn't get a good look at it, but it was tan under the wings. Meanwhile, on the feeder a sassy wren contended with chickadees and titmice. A female cardinal and juncos hunted on the ground and a brown thrasher tossed mulch under the red cedar. I tossed out a peanut I found on the floor and a white-throated sparrow took it under the rosemary to peck apart. Then the sparrow posed under the pink camellia where it looks quite pink by reflection.
Obviously ye

sterday's cloud cover was gone at dawn, but by 11am clouds had moved in from the West. The creek was flowing strongly to the East, but there was only a light breeze. And by 2pm the clouds were gone again. There are
still bees on the rosemary! Lazy squirrels are finally out playing chase. A lone pelican checked out the creek. Just before sunset, a bufflehead paddled by.