There's a thin haze with contrails. The moon, a little past full, was setting when I got up. Juncos are about, as is a squirrel. Doves were cooing up in the oak. They sound almost like an owl: dooo-it-dooo.
By noon the haze had become overcast. Finches and chickadees ate on the feeder. I haven't seen any titmice in quite a while. Crows were all over, hassling any big bird they could find. The eagle sat for a while across the creek and ignored them. A pelican flew up the creak and

back. Geese, mallards, mergansers, cormorants, and possibly woodducks were on the water. A squirrel came and posed for peanuts. Then the one with the white spot on the left hip showed up and the first squirrel chased the second away. The rest of the day was gloomy.
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