The concrete is sweating. It's supposed to get above 70 today. But the wind is strong - crows have been playing with it all morning. The sky was overcast but it is thinning and the sun just broke through. Mergansers and gulls are out fishing and a pelican passed through. See how rough the water is?
Honeybees are busy on the rosemary but the wind is hard on them. One gust blew the bees off the flowers.

Something's got into the songbirds. Two female cardinals had an aerial battle while a male watched. A female house finch chased off a male. A sparrow was out early along with squirrels which are also acting feisty. When the wind gusts pause, the feeder is crowded with cardinals and finches and chickadees. A blue jay, robins, and doves are in the yard. I see a junco but not near the feeder.

Around lunch, this front blew in from the Southwest and now overcast has returned. It has cooled some and the wind is really howling. Kathleen put up a new bracket and moved the feeder so the discarded seeds will fall in the mulch, not on the steps and french drain. We shall see. Now the birdbath needs to be relocated.
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