The rain is so fine it is suspended in the air and doesn't disturb the water's surface. But the cold wetness is palpable and at times the mist obscures distant trees. A wren sat on the feeder perch packing seeds away. It may be nesting in a bird house next door. Finches managed to share the feeder. They seem less territorial than other birds. The female towhee was foraging on the ground. And the hummer hovered a bit before settling on the perch.

It turned to rain by mid morning, still in fine droplets, but heavy curtains of it sweeping through. By lunch, hunger trumped weather and chickadees, titmice, cardinals, and the female towhee came out to the feeder. The fledgling cardinal looked wretched. It is quite chilly between the wet and the wind. The fledgling is starting to get a black mask, but its beak is not yet orange.
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