Everything is wet but there is some sun. The male towhee, cardinals, and finches joined the squirrel on ground crew. The hummer is visiting frequently. I think the ants have given up on the sugar water after so many drowned.

The cardinal fledgling has stopped the feed me behavior and seems to be doing well, though it still hasn't discovered the feeder's purpose. But the adult male chases it away from the feeder area. Yesterday there were small gray feathers all over the patio and I wonder if they're from the fledgling? Sometimes the fledgling hunkers down and looks like it is sulking. Notice that, thought the coloration is much like an adult female, the beak is gray, not orange.
At lunch, the clouds continue to hang heavy in the humid air. The hummer doesn't stay long. Does that mean it isn't happy with the sugar water or that it is simply instinctive for it to move on to another source frequently?
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