When I went to pick blueberries I passed a palemedes. Several more tiny green lynx spiders were on the berries. They must be a summer brood as I remember their ancestor being an adult at this time of year. But then, I don't ever remember still having blueberries this late. Was it that the warm spring increased fertilization or are the summer rain and heat responsible?

A black swallowtail is doing its egg thing. Cabbage and sulphur butterflies are enjoying the rosemary. The tiger swallowtail keeps flitting by, just faster than the camera shutter. I glimpsed an orange butterfly, probably a fritillary.
A skink crossed the steps. A red-spotted purple claimed space on the fig. In the afternoon a pondhawk, a widow skimmer, and a pennant all hung out by the patio. Sprinkles fell around 6pm. Later the towhee and a Carolina wren appeared.
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