It is turning into a lovely day, not too hot. The sulphurs are all over now, both the big lemon-yellow and the smaller velveeta-yellow with black edges. Bees too, from tiny halactid to big bumbles, and I suppose flies as well. A fritillary and some swallowtails passed through. An osprey swooped low through the yard then cruised upstream. A blue jay called its friends. I think the bird under the morning glories was a wren. One of the hummers came back while I was outside and fussed a bit but decided I was harmless. It hovered and eyeballed me.
Late afternoon, the hummer warz continue. This one checking out the lavender has a striped throat. A mockingbird is beginning to hang out. A female cardinal with no mask seems very curious - a young bird? It cocked its head to watch a dove forage. Chickadees, titmice and finches also visited and chased each other.
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