It is supposed to be hot and sunny today but now it is cold and gray. A white throat appeared, and a cardinal. By 10am there was sunlight but the sky was still white. An hour later the last puffs of cloud were fleeing. A Carolina wren visited.

At lunchtime, I saw a dark dragonfly with unmarked wings, a cabbage butterfly, a little lime-green beetle, bees and wasps, and a very small skink. Later a larger skink explored the bedroom window frame. The first flowers appeared on the blue-eyed grass. A cormorant sat on a dock piling. While I see them often in the sky or the water, it is much rarer to catch one drying out. And the first hummingbird arrived - a female.
The sky hazed over around 6pm followed by thicker clouds from the West. So I didn't take my camera, which I regret because the sunset was quite dramatic. And even as the West turned peach and gold with glowing cloud edges, a fat moon peeked shyly between bands of cloud in the East. This was about 8pm.
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