The lowest clouds are flying Northeast on a roaring wind. Upper layers are moving more slowly and more Easterly. Cardinals, sparrows, finches and wrens have visited, along with a squirrel. Crows zoom around. One got forced out of a pine by squirrels, on this side of the creek. A layer of yellow pollen coats every surface and there are wind drifts of the sepals that are no longer needed to protect buds.

Rain started around 9am and got heavier as the morning went on. Then, around noon, the clouds broke apart and there were flickers of sun. A wren played peek-a-boo on the dogwood trunk. A female skink lurked in a hole in the pool cover, until I got too close. After lunch the rain returned.
Now, as sunset approaches, it is clearing again. The clouds are still moving fast but down on the ground, the humidity is high. Nuthatches came to the feeder along with cardinals, sparrows, and chickadees. I was thinking they might have moved on.
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