Squirrels have been active. One begged at the window. The regulars came to the feeder, along with a titmouse. I glimpsed a female towhee under the rosemary and a female goldfinch above the birdhouse. I shook off the chair a spider I think is a
ground spider. A cabbage butterfly took great interest in the money plant pods. A blue tail skink ran across the steps. After lunch, a female hummer fed briefly. K checked and didn't see any mold.

While we were in the pool, she saw foxes next door. We think they were an adult and two cubs but a screen of shrubs made that uncertain. Certainly, our neighbor noticed them too - I heard him say, "three of them." I think I saw a towhee feeding a fledgling under the oak, but again, it's hard to be sure. The sky has grown hazy.
Another pink sunset. Fireflies are out already. I saw them a couple of nights ago as well.
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