The sky was a much clearer, more crystalline blue this morning, and without my contacts, the oak leaves sparkled. The squirrel with the white spot showed up with some other squirrels. The regular feeder birds were out, but no others. A female cardinal chased another all over the yard. Then she came warily to the feeder as I sat outside. I could hear another cardinal make a steady chorus of clicking chirps. I also heard crows fussing but couldn't see the cause. The treetops were wind-blown but on the ground, it was more of a breeze. Still, no insects ventured out yet. The creek surface was ruffled.

Clouds arrived from the West. The house wrens sang and flitted around the pool. Cabbage butterflies did too. Some bird made a whirring sound up in the sweet gum. Then the crows perched in the top of the gum. I have been in the pool at last!
A moth landed on the window at twilight. Meteors were
predicted for the middle of the night but the sky was cloudy here.
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