Three doves were up before me, foraging in the dark. They came and went all morning and annoyed a squirrel till he chased them. The woodpecker came early for suet. Other birds moved around the periphery of the yard without becoming clearly visible. Mallards were out on the creek and cormorants in the air.
Later I did catch a mockingbird in the dogwood. Then I saw a Carolina wren and several white throats but they were gone before I could get the camera fired up. A great blue heron landed on the dock across the creek.

Squirrels were busy in the afternoon burying and digging up snacks. The sun shone briefly and then there was a light rain. The wind picked up and leaves that had been dropping straight were tossed up into the sky. The moonflower still had buds but they didn't fully open and then wilted. The Carolina jessamine, however, thought it was time to bloom.
When I first saw the moon, it looked fuzzy, but several hours later the crescent was sharp and clear.
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