The birds that stayed away yesterday showed up for breakfast today. A male downy woodpecker tackled the suet. Two Carolina wrens got into everything, including the suet, to the woodpecker's consternation. A squirrel went after dogwood berries. The light has been so low, yesterday and today that many photos blurred, and today rain on the window added to the camera's confusion.

The first white throated sparrow of the season appeared and seemed interested in the small seeds I'd scattered on the patio from the bag of bird seed mix. But the seed feeder was still unused. I don't know if that's because the previous batch of seeds spoiled or because in the Fall there are many other foods for birds.

At lunch a squirrel startled a sparrow into the air, but this time it was a song sparrow. It too ate some of the little seeds on the patio. Later, we returned from an errand and found finches and chickadees on the feeder. The song sparrow and the downy woodpecker were back too, but the light was too poor for photos. The rain, the overcast, and the return to standard time made this a very gray day indeed.
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