A leaf-footed bug landed on the window after breakfast. Egrets fished in the dam outfall but elsewhere the creek was quiet. A great blue heron showed up later. Doves foraged under the feeder. A Carolina wren poked its head in then disappeared. The morning glories didn't close till noon. Something hopped around the cherry and never let me get a clear photo but I think it was a
white eyed vireo.

The tide was high at mid day. The same or another argiope appeared in the same part of the spartina as the one I saw back in August. I saw a cloudless sulphur and a red spotted purple flitted all over. Something else zipped past leaving an impression of eyespots. I rescued a skipper from the water. Also a spider, beetles, crickets, bristletails, and a two lined spittlebug. Orange aphids infested one stalk of milkweed. Despite the chewed leaves I could not find caterpillars. One half grown black swallowtail caterpillar was finishing off a nearly denuded parsley.

A sizeable gray russula mushroom popped up under the hackberry. Speaking of which, I tasted a hackberry berry and it was kind of sweet and gritty like a pear. A few stalks of goldenrod were blooming.

After lunch, a titmouse joined the regulars on the feeder. The rain that had been threatening for hours finally arrived at 4pm. It did not last too long. But it got birds excited and I saw some kind of warbler with a yellow breast, possibly a
yellow breasted chat.
The sun reappeared but not for long. The sky was overcast when the sun set.
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