K bought suet cakes and I hung a block where the hummer feeder had been. Cardinals and chickadees investigated but weren't interested. A Carolina wren was. The day was again sunny with a glassy dawn creek flowing into motion by mid-morning. A snowy egret fished in the dam outfall. Bumblebees visited the morning glories, perhaps because a second color came into bloom. A filthy squirrel came to the birdbath for a wash up.

A monarch butterfly sailed around and landed on turning dogwood leaves, but returned to the milkweed. At lunch,a mockingbird appeared and tested the suet. Gulls circled high over the creek.

When I came home around 4pm there was a lot of activity in the redwood. Two red bellied woodpeckers had a skirmish. I think I saw a blue jay fly across the yard. I certainly heard one scream.
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